Medium Term Accommodation & Support for Disabled People
What support is used by disabled person?
There are various types of support that can be used by people with disabilities. NDIS Medium Term Accommodation may include assistive technology, such as modified eating utensils, adapted books, pencil holders, page turners, dressing aids, and adapted personal hygiene aids.

In addition, mobility aids can also be used to help individuals move within their environment. This can include electric or manual wheelchairs, modifications of vehicles for travel, scooters, crutches, canes, and walkers. The type of support needed will depend on the individual’s specific needs and abilities, and should be determined in consultation with healthcare professionals and other support providers.

What are the most common models of disability?

The two most common models of disability are the social model and the medical model.

The social model of disability views disability as a result of the way society is structured, rather than as an inherent trait of an individual. It suggests that people with disabilities are disabled by societal barriers and attitudes, such as inaccessible buildings and negative stereotypes. By removing these barriers and changing attitudes, society can become more inclusive and enable people with disabilities to fully participate.

On the other hand, the medical model of disability views disability as an individual’s impairment or medical condition. It focuses on diagnosing and treating the condition, with the goal of curing or managing the impairment. This model often leads to a focus on fixing the person rather than addressing the societal barriers that prevent their full participation in society.

NDIS Medium Term Accommodation NDIS

NDIS Medium Term Accommodation are Support for Disabled People near Ryde Hospital, Westmead hospital and Liverpool hospital can support you if you need somewhere to live while waiting for your confirmed long-term housing solution. This means you need evidence that you have somewhere to live when your NDIS Medium Term Accommodation funding ends. Under the NDIS scheme, Phome care has specially designed comprehensive plans to provide accommodation to people with disabilities when they are in dire need of being looked after. A person may fall ill, or other severe circumstances may arise when around-the-clock support is required. In life, a lot of times, our loved ones cannot be around us all the time. The hardship increases in the case of people who require special care and attention.

Now you do not have to spend your days in an unwanted environment and can stay at our care for a period of 90 days without any worries. You get to experience the best of services with expert supervision at Ryde, Boxhill, Westmead NDIS Medium Term Accommodation and Liverpool NDIS Group home which is one of the most trusted facilities in Sydney. You can take advantage of our list of plans that are dedicated to providing care to specially-abled individuals. We take pride in providing temporary home-like spaces to disabled people with our well-structured facilities. This saves you from spending huge amounts of money on hospital bills. NDIS Medium Term Accommodation serves as a practical solution for disabled people looking for a viable option.

P home care STA and Respite

We have NDIS Medium Term Accommodation and Respite accommodation available in Ryde and Box Hill 

Medium Term Accommodation (also known as MTA

Advantages of MTA:

  • A perfect respite from the regularity of life
  • Provides a long-term solution for your accommodation needs
  • An affordable solution
  • Expert professionals are always there to make sure all your requirements are being met
  • Medical supervision is provided
  • A well-planned diet is provided as per individual needs
  • A safe environment when you are temporarily away from home
  • Well-equipped with the latest technologies and machinery for individuals with critical needs

NDIS Medium Term Accommodation

Who can access NDIS MTA

MTA is available to eligible NDIS participants who require temporary transitional housing while they wait for their more permanent home to become ready or available to use. It could be used in the following circumstances:

  • as bridging accommodation for younger people who are at risk of being admitted (or who want to leave) aged care home
  • participants who are ready to leave the hospital but are waiting for home modifications, assisted technology or support equipment to be placed in their home
  • those who are eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation, but need somewhere to stay while they are waiting for a vacancy or for a build to be completed

Our services:

  • Household Tasks
  • Community Nursing
  • Participate Community
  • Assist-travel/Transport
  • Accommodation/Tenancy
  • Development-Life Skills
  • Assist Personal Activities
  • Group/Center Activities

P home care also offers you

  • fresh and nutritious meals provided throughout the day, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, morning and afternoon tea
  • all needs met with round the clock personal care and support
  • medical and nursing support
  • complex clinical care, including peg tube feeding assistance, tracheotomy, renal dialysis, indwelling catheter care, and cardiac management
  • Assisted transport
  • 24/7 care
  • We Build Independence, Opportunity & Participation for those Living with Disability.

NDIS Medium Term Accommodation is usually for up to three months (90 days). NDIS Medium Term Accommodation only covers the accommodation cost of where you stay. It doesn’t include day-to-day living costs like food, internet, or electricity. Medium Term Accommodation also doesn’t include any personal care support. Philips Homecare is a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider for  Short Term (STA) and NDIS Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) and Supported Independent (SIL) accommodations in western Sydney.

For more information or to register with us, please leave your details below and we will call you back to arrange an appointment. We have SIL, Respite and MTA homes available in Greater Sydney areas please do contact us at 1800 571 955 or write to us at

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